Psychological Safety: The "Fragile" Truth
Jul 30, 2021Photo: Images
While it might seem that psychological safety sounds like fragility, weakness, or walking on eggshells, it's the opposite that is true. Psychological safety is about the brain; specifically, the brain's stress responses and how fear can have deep impacts to learning, creativity, engagement, and performance.
The only fragile thing about psychological safety is its crucial dependence on leaders to embrace and practice it.
Let go of any assumption that building a psychologically safe environment means sacrificing team performance and results. That's a myth that can be easily debunked by asking employees how important it is that leaders care about their well-being.
Psychological safety doesn’t encourage self-indulgence. It encourages self-expansion.
The clarion call for empathy-based leadership is growing louder. It's an employee expectation that also must be a leadership commitment.
Empathy is a learnable skill and psychological safety practices help build it.
A resilient and vital team climate is the result of leaders who CARE-fully calibrate the connection between employee well-being and high performance.
Learnscape Design's Psychological Safety course includes the Learn More Resources Guide—a helpful set of best practices organized around the acronym CARE.
Take a look now!
Check out our new microlearning video course:
Psychological Safety for Management Success: Build a Team that Thrives and Get Results!
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