Fight-or-Flight and Feedback

fight or flight psychological safety and feedback May 24, 2021

Just the words, "I want to give you some feedback," can trigger a desire to flee and self-protect. 

Neuroscience proves that unsolicited feedback can trigger the fight or flight response. Feedback can feel threatening because it challenges both our desire to learn and grow with our desire to be accepted for who we are right now

No matter how well-intentioned the feedback, it’s an epic fail when it’s delivered carelessly, and without preparation. It's also a good practice to never give feedback from a fight or flight state of mind. 

Fight or fight is an exquisitely designed system for survival, but it's an absolute loser for learning! 

There’s a better way to give feedback.

Psychological safety is the express route to rest and digest – the opposite of fight or flight – where feedback can be optimized for learning

When there is less resistance and fear, feedback is easier to hear and process. 

With some conscious language choices and behavior changes, leaders can pivot the feedback process into a healthy, powerful conversation

Less growl. More growth. 


The Learn More Resources Guide is packed with lots of suggestions to help you get started today!

Check out our new microlearning video course: 

Psychological Safety for Management Success: Build a Team that Thrives and Get Results!

Watch Video Trailer!

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